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Hair myths debunked: What's really true?

Debunked hair myths and the truth about hair care: An expert interview with Wolfgang Schmitz

Hair myths have been circulating for centuries and still influence how we care for and style our hair today. Wolfgang Schmitz, renowned hair designer and creative mind behind the revolutionary hair brand "magia", explains the truth behind common hair myths in an exclusive interview and gives valuable tips for optimal hair care.

1. Is washing your hair every day harmful?

It is often said that washing your hair every day dries out and damages it. But what is the truth behind this myth? Wolfgang Schmitz explains:

"Washing your hair every day is not inherently harmful, it depends more on the products used. Conventional shampoos tend to remove fat from the hair, which stimulates the sebaceous glands and results in increased fat production. This is why the hair often quickly becomes greasy again, which in turn requires frequent washing. This is different with our magia shampoo with organic hyaluronic acid. It simply gives the hair back its natural water balance without drying it out or excessively stimulating sebum production. This keeps the hair fresh and healthy for longer."

With this method, the hair is not unnecessarily stressed and remains in optimal condition despite regular washing.

2. Does regular cutting really speed up hair growth?

Another widespread myth is that regular cutting makes hair grow faster. Wolfgang Schmitz explains:

"Hair growth is not affected by regular cutting because the hair is not cut at the roots, only the tips. The growth process itself is regulated in the hair follicle, which is located under the scalp. However, regular cutting can help prevent split ends and hair breakage, making the hair appear healthier and stronger, creating the illusion of faster growth."

A clear case of healthy appearance, but it has nothing to do with the actual rate of growth.

3. Do hair products lose their effectiveness after a while?

Many people believe that hair products lose their effectiveness after a certain time and that the hair "gets used to them". Wolfgang Schmitz disagrees:

"Our magia products do not lose their effectiveness. The assumption that hair gets used to products and that they are therefore less effective after a while is a misconception. However, it can happen that the hair gets used to the positive change and you no longer notice the effect as much. Seasonal and hormonal changes can also influence the perception of the product's effectiveness. It is important to respond to the needs of your hair and adjust the care if necessary."

So it is less a question of products and more a question of the changing needs of the hair.

4. Are natural products always better for your hair?

Many people swear by natural products, but are they really always better for the hair? Wolfgang Schmitz explains:

"Natural products certainly have their advantages, as they often contain less aggressive ingredients. However, it is a misconception that everything natural is automatically better. Even natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions or be harmful if used incorrectly. It is important that the product meets the needs of the hair. Our magia products combine the benefits of natural ingredients with innovative technology to achieve optimal results."

The best choice always depends on the individual needs of the hair.

5. Can certain foods promote hair growth?

The belief that certain foods promote hair growth is widespread. Wolfgang Schmitz explains:

"A balanced diet can have a positive effect on hair growth because it provides the necessary nutrients. Proteins, vitamins and minerals such as biotin, zinc and iron are particularly important. They promote the health of the hair follicles and can support growth. However, there are no miracle foods that make hair grow faster overnight. A long-term, healthy diet is the key to strong and healthy hair."

A balanced diet is therefore crucial for hair health, even if there are no “magic” foods.

Facts instead of myths for the best hair care

Hair myths can be confusing, but Wolfgang Schmitz clearly shows that proper hair care should be based on sound knowledge and not on old myths. With the innovative "magia" products, hair care becomes a real pleasure based on science and experience. Give your hair the care it deserves and don't be fooled by outdated myths!

Try the “magia” products and experience the new dimension of hair rejuvenation for yourself. For healthy, shiny and youthful-looking hair – every day!

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